5 Solid Reasons N.D. Wilson is the Greatest Modern Author

I’m not here to start an argument or step on any toes. This shouldn’t even be a matter of controversy, although I know it is.

I know a lot of people will have a difference of opinion on who is the greatest modern* author, and they’re completely welcome to it, just as I’m welcome to mine. I know there are many authors of today that I admire and love, and many who are excellent in their respective genres.

But… N.D. Wilson is the greatest modern* author, and I’ve got a pretty solid argument to prove my case.

*in case it wasn’t clear… by modern I mean 21st century, of course. 😉

Continue reading “5 Solid Reasons N.D. Wilson is the Greatest Modern Author”

The Jane Austen This or That (this may be one of my favorite tags ever!!)

When I saw Hamlette answering these questions on her blog, I was intrigued. Then when I saw that her opinions on Mr. Knightley/Emma were the exact opposite to mine, I knew I just had to do the tag myself. Because I won’t stand by to see Mr. Knightley insulted. *shakes head firmly*

Am I the only one in the mood to watch ALL of my favorite Jane Austen adaptations right now?!

Continue reading “The Jane Austen This or That (this may be one of my favorite tags ever!!)”

The 10 Fictional Characters I Relate to (you might be surprised!)

You know those characters that you just KNOW how they feel? Those characters who have struggles, personalities, or roles similar to yours? Lately I’ve been considering all the characters I relate to, in good and bad ways, and decided it was a definitely post-worthy topic.

The characters and their internal conflict really are one of the most impacting and inspiring things in a story. (yes, I’m a fan of Abbie Emmons) And of course this blog is, after all, to express “a fondness for fictional people & fictional worlds”. 😉 So in this post, I’m going to list the characters I uniquely relate to; not based off of the MBTI types or anything like that. Who knew that I, as an ENFP, could relate strongly to a character typed as either an ESTJ or ISFJ (it’s disputed)!

Continue reading “The 10 Fictional Characters I Relate to (you might be surprised!)”

Book Review: A Night Divided by Jennifer A. Nielsen (the suspense, sorrow, and hardship of living on the eastern side of the Berlin Wall)

*takes a deep breath* Wow. This book is a heart-wrenching, heart-warming, heart-stopping masterpiece of historical fiction. My heart went through a lot in this book and I don’t think it has quite recovered.💔 And if you want to know the truth, this book is so relevant right now. People need to read about the realities of communism and socialism and remember what a horror it is.

If you’ve read my post on my favorite books from 2020, you’ll find that this book came in 3rd place on the list, and was undoubtedly one of the BEST of the best historical fiction books I’ve ever read. You’ll find out why in this post.

Continue reading “Book Review: A Night Divided by Jennifer A. Nielsen (the suspense, sorrow, and hardship of living on the eastern side of the Berlin Wall)”

7 Reasons Why I Love the 2005 Pride and Prejudice movie + Dislike the 1995 series

I had the pleasure last year of watching the 1995 BBC Pride & Prejudice for the first time with some ladies from our church. While I’m glad I saw it, still, it fell short for me in several ways.

Yes, I have read the book; yes, I’m aware that this is going to be a very controversial post for fellow Jane Austen fans. But here’s the deal… even though I saw the 2005 movie first (and that might have something to do with it), I still think I would have ended up liking it better.

Before you lovers of Colin Firth’s Mr. Darcy pick up your pitch-forks and raise a hue-and-cry, hear me out…

(Warning: there will probably be some spoilers for those who have not seen either of these adaptations or read the book)

Continue reading “7 Reasons Why I Love the 2005 Pride and Prejudice movie + Dislike the 1995 series”

Book Review: Veiled Rose by Anne Elisabeth Stengl (a gorgeous, moving fantasy with unforgettable characters)

My next book review of October! I only had one vote for this title; all the other votes went to The Scarlet Pimpernel (and well deserved, too!). I’m quite happy to be able to review this book for you all today, because 1) I love this series, and 2) more people need to read it.

Just a note: this is the second in a series, and one of my favorites. 🙂

Continue reading “Book Review: Veiled Rose by Anne Elisabeth Stengl (a gorgeous, moving fantasy with unforgettable characters)”

My Dream Cast for the lead roles in The Scarlet Pimpernel (as a movie!)

I AM BEYOND EXCITED FOR THIS POST, Y’ALL. I’ve never had to do something like this before, really, because most of my favorite books have been made into pretty good movies or mini-series. (though I may do another post like this with some of N.D. Wilson’s books, sometime!)

But, since I haven’t seen any of the Scarlet Pimpernel adaptations yet, and since I don’t know whether I like the casting of any of them, I’m going to imagine who (ideally) should play each character. I am not going to say who should play the Scarlet Pimpernel because… SPOILERS. 😛 My knowledge of present-day actors is a little limited, so bear with me. I’m only doing the 3 leads I can share. 😀

Continue reading “My Dream Cast for the lead roles in The Scarlet Pimpernel (as a movie!)”

The Narnia Tag (all the nostalgic feels)

Salubrious salutations! This post is the new NARNIA tag (I’m not the hugest Narnia fan, but I don’t talk about the series nearly enough). I was not tagged, so to speak… everyone reading Jenna Terese’s post was tagged if they wished to do it, and I did, so there you are. 😉

Continue reading “The Narnia Tag (all the nostalgic feels)”

Book Review: The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orczy (romance, intrigue, a gallant hero, and high stakes)

Well, do I have an amazing book to talk about today! From the title of this post, you may have already come to the conclusion that I loved and adored The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orczy. The characters, the emotions, the villain, and the huge reveal were all perfection.

The author was a genius with words and people in this story, let me tell you. And, much to my delight; when you guys responded to my poll in September’s wrap-up post, the most votes came in for this book. I am very pleased with you all. 🙂

Continue reading “Book Review: The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orczy (romance, intrigue, a gallant hero, and high stakes)”

8 Reasons Why Samwise Gamgee is my Favorite LOTR Character (be prepared for my fangirling level to go through the roof)

It’s no secret that Samwise Gamgee, the beloved Hobbit, is my absolute favorite character in The Lord of the Rings. My loyalties are torn between Aragorn, Faramir, Éowyn, Gandalf and the rest, but Sam triumphs always.

As a continuance of this lovely Tolkien Blog Party week (one of my favorite times of the year), I want to indulge my fangirl soul and list eight of the millions of reasons I love Samwise Gamgee best of all the wonderful characters. Prepare for the fangirling-overload-buzzer to go off. 😜

Continue reading “8 Reasons Why Samwise Gamgee is my Favorite LOTR Character (be prepared for my fangirling level to go through the roof)”