7 Reasons Why I Love the 2005 Pride and Prejudice movie + Dislike the 1995 series

I had the pleasure last year of watching the 1995 BBC Pride & Prejudice for the first time with some ladies from our church. While I’m glad I saw it, still, it fell short for me in several ways.

Yes, I have read the book; yes, I’m aware that this is going to be a very controversial post for fellow Jane Austen fans. But here’s the deal… even though I saw the 2005 movie first (and that might have something to do with it), I still think I would have ended up liking it better.

Before you lovers of Colin Firth’s Mr. Darcy pick up your pitch-forks and raise a hue-and-cry, hear me out…

(Warning: there will probably be some spoilers for those who have not seen either of these adaptations or read the book)

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